Proscan is a non-invasive pinless moisture meter for flooring installers, lumber manufactures, woodworkers and building inspectors who want to quickly find moisture in wood products and a variety of building materials. The non-invasive meter is made in the USA and uses radio frequency signals to quickly scan wood, drywall, concrete or other building materials without damaging the sample. Its built-in species corrections for woods with a specific gravity between .30 and .80, makes checking a variety of wood species a cinch. With ProScan professionals can work with confidence, save time, stay on budget and avoid call-backs.
Add one to your tool box today!
Individual Instrument: Includes meter. Order as PROSCANW/CS. (Price: $535.00)
The SCB-1 calibration block may be used for field calibration checks of the Proscan and Techscan moisture meters. We recommended using a 4” x 4” Styrofoam block or other non-conductive, nonmagnetic material such as plastic or fiberglass to insulate the SCB-1 from a wood or metal tabletop surface. When using the SCB-1. the meter should display 18.0, +/-1.0 on the wood scale, and 51, +/-2.0 on the Reference scale.
Order as:
SCB-1: Price $65.00
Delmhorst offers a wide assortment of electrodes known throughout the industry for their durability. All Delmhorst electrodes fit any Delmhorst moisture meter. Below are electrodes that are typically used for this model:
Moisture meters are a great tool for preventing moisture-related disasters in woodworking projects. We've assembled a comprehensive eGuide to help you get the best results.
Knowing the exact location and extent of moisture in a building is essential knowledge for restoration efforts. The full applications of moisture meters in restoration projects are described in this eGuide.
For more information, view our complete list of Moisture Meter Resources.
Moisture Meters
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